Have you ever |
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 |
Have you ever had too much to do and not enough time to do it? well thats where i am right now:))
posted by sharonb @ 7:00 PM   |
The Ask Hole |
Friday, August 19, 2005 |
Today you get to ask me 1 question and I will answer it to the best of my ability. Go ahead, ask me a question, anything at all.
posted by sharonb @ 5:43 AM   |
What If...... |
Thursday, August 18, 2005 |
What if Bill had not gotten caught banging Monica, would he still be president?
What if JFK had been caught banging Marilyn Monroe, would he have been impeached?
What if someone had told us 9-11 was going to happen before it did, would you have believed them?
What if the bible is true and Jesus really does exist, and is really coming back for his people in the rapture, will you be ready?
what if....
posted by sharonb @ 6:34 AM   |
Have you ever...... |
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 |
Have you ever dreamed you were using the bathroom, and thank goodness you woke up just in time.
Have you ever given up your space in the grocerie store line to someone who only had a few items and they ended up taking longer to check out then you thought possible.
Have you ever picked up a stray dog or cat along side the road, took it home and then decided to take it back to the side of the road later.
Have you ever put on your clothes in the dark, only to find in the light of your work space that your had on mix match socks.
Have you ever got your hair cut and hated it, but you told the beautician you liked it anyways.
Have you ever been sitting in church minding your own business, and all of a sudden a sexual thought entered your mind.
Have you ever forgot to lock the door while using the bathroom and someone walked in on you.
Have you ever forgot where you parked at the mall and had to get security to help you find your car.
If you have never done any of these things or simular, you must be from another planet.
posted by sharonb @ 9:53 AM   |
Another wet one |
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 |
Its raining and I am simply glad to be inside and not have to go out in it today. I am taking a day off and getting some paper work done, but of course i made time to play too:)) Hope i dont have to build an ark or anything, enjoying the rain.
posted by sharonb @ 11:45 AM   |
I wonder why..... |
Monday, August 15, 2005 |
I wonder why God made something as ugly as the rhinoceros, yet something as beautiful as the peacock. or is that the other way around in your eyes.?
I wonder why it can be raining on one end of the street and yet sun shinny on the other, at the same time
I wonder why men have a higher sex drive then women, well most women.
I wonder why pigeons like to crap on my car window, all the time, or so it seems.
I wonder why the lady at the end of the street is always in her garden, and does she get high out there?
I wonder why Whitney Houston married Bobby Brown..he must be good in bed or something.
posted by sharonb @ 2:51 PM   |
Getting some fun done. |
Saturday, August 13, 2005 |
My son came by this morning as he was on his way to the music studio.. oh did I say he is a christian rap artist?. Not known as of yet, but he is up and coming forth. Has a CD out and such like. He is working on a new track today. And stopped by to holla at me on his way. You can hear some of his music here.
I am working on a few graphics this morning while i have a chance to play. Hope to get a few new dolls added to My graphic site
Mother is doing ok today, she is sleeping a lot, and I guess thats kinda good, she's not into things or tearing up anything as usual. lol. My yorkies are lookin sooo cute, but my camera broke and i cant share pictures of them right now rats!!! maybe later. anyhoo i am off to play with my artwork for a while. Holla!
posted by sharonb @ 1:45 PM   |
My Friday commercial |
Friday, August 12, 2005 |
And from the local news of sharonb..The home front is quiet today, not much activity going on. We are getting lots of rain, mostly in the evening hours. Forcast for today is wet and cloudy. And now we break to a sharonb commercial.... dogs to be groomed. 3 yorkies with long nails and tangle fur are in need of care today, at the cost of about 35.00 per fur coat, they will recieve the royal treatment with a shampoo cut and pedicure, ending with a colorful bow in the top knot.
Pay bills online with direct deposit its easier than every to pay bills online and take care of all the household needs and utilities at the touch of my finger tips. so Lets see if we can't shell out, hummm. huh... several thousand dollars in about 5 minutes and pay up all those creditors.
No creative muse I haven't had a creative muse in a few weeks now, so i am surfing the web looking for one. Hope tyo find something inspirational and creative to do by way of digital art and come up with a new creation as soon as i have more time.
and that that thats all folks.
posted by sharonb @ 6:58 AM   |
Clean up Wednesday |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 |
Day off to do what i want?? humm I guess, anyhoo...Got up at 7am and cleaned the entire house. Top to bottom, finished around 9am, got mother a bath and dressed, fed and settled in her favorite chair. and set out to pay some bills. Took care of everything by noon. The appraiser came today and did her thing, so i guess we will know what the house is worth by friday or monday. My MB blog is down again sence last night. So i am really glad i found you!, now I am off to play with some html. holla!!
posted by sharonb @ 11:36 AM   |
Well its Tuesday |
And I have been up sence 4am. Prayed for an hour and tried to get some understanding of what happened last evening. I had a meeting for zoning with the commissioner's advisory board. It started at 7pm, i was the last name on the agenda, so I had to sit through every agenda, and watched as the board mostly spent the night denying petitions left and right.
I am a bit disappointed that the advisory board denied the approval of the zoning for my new group home, but their reasoning just didnt make any sence at all, They said it was because they were concerned about fire safety of the children and such, i just got the impression they simply didnt want a group home in the neighborhood.
However I am grateful that they don't have the last say in the matter, another meeting will be held next week with the board of commissioners to see what they have to say on the matter. I will do my best to be better prepared for them as well. I know God is in full control so no matter the out come, I will overcome with victory in all things.
My other blog is down this morning and I cant get in, so I am glad i found this one also. It will be my back up for MB and MB will be my back up for this one. I am finding I need more than one blog, so i will always have a place to write and vent.
Anyhoo i am off to start my day. Got a few meetings , then i am off to pet smart to get the dogs some food. The appraiser is coming in the morning to appraise the house, so we will see how that goes. Bringing forth new things and being a trail blazing business woman is sometimes not the easiest thing in the world to do. But I am so compelled, i must do it. I know it is indeed my calling in life.
My mother is holding her own, and my own(smiles), the alzehimers is in charge so we just do whatever it says to do.
posted by sharonb @ 7:56 AM   |