What If...... |
Thursday, August 18, 2005 |
What if Bill had not gotten caught banging Monica, would he still be president?
What if JFK had been caught banging Marilyn Monroe, would he have been impeached?
What if someone had told us 9-11 was going to happen before it did, would you have believed them?
What if the bible is true and Jesus really does exist, and is really coming back for his people in the rapture, will you be ready?
what if....
posted by sharonb @ 6:34 AM   |
rule of thumb always comment on post. not my best but a thought i had this morning and thought i would try it out on you too.:))
actually Many years agin when i was in my 20's, I dated a muslim and got very well aquainted with Islam religion :))
you're both right. we have to seek out the truths and be confident (aka, have a solid foundation) in our faith. Thanks for sharing.
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rule of thumb always comment on post. not my best but a thought i had this morning and thought i would try it out on you too.:))
At August 18, 2005 4:17 PM,
sharonb said…
actually Many years agin when i was in my 20's, I dated a muslim and got very well aquainted with Islam religion :))
At August 19, 2005 3:06 PM,
you're both right. we have to seek out the truths and be confident (aka, have a solid foundation) in our faith. Thanks for sharing.