When the big Kahuna lost his balls |
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 |
Well it has been almost a year sence the big Kahuna lost his balls. September the 4th will be one year exactly. And i think it was the best thing I could have done for him. Sence that time he hasn't sprayed any walls or furniture, and he doesnt act like he's on crack everytime the girls go into heat anymore either. He has gained about 5lbs and is more layed back than ever. However he is still the biggest little a**hole I know. Still as mean as ever and will bite a leg in a hotlanta minute if you look at him wrong. over all he's still king of this castle.
posted by sharonb @ 3:08 PM   |
just wanted to add a comment. His name is houdini. lol
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just wanted to add a comment. His name is houdini. lol