Well its Tuesday |
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 |
And I have been up sence 4am. Prayed for an hour and tried to get some understanding of what happened last evening. I had a meeting for zoning with the commissioner's advisory board. It started at 7pm, i was the last name on the agenda, so I had to sit through every agenda, and watched as the board mostly spent the night denying petitions left and right.
I am a bit disappointed that the advisory board denied the approval of the zoning for my new group home, but their reasoning just didnt make any sence at all, They said it was because they were concerned about fire safety of the children and such, i just got the impression they simply didnt want a group home in the neighborhood.
However I am grateful that they don't have the last say in the matter, another meeting will be held next week with the board of commissioners to see what they have to say on the matter. I will do my best to be better prepared for them as well. I know God is in full control so no matter the out come, I will overcome with victory in all things.
My other blog is down this morning and I cant get in, so I am glad i found this one also. It will be my back up for MB and MB will be my back up for this one. I am finding I need more than one blog, so i will always have a place to write and vent.
Anyhoo i am off to start my day. Got a few meetings , then i am off to pet smart to get the dogs some food. The appraiser is coming in the morning to appraise the house, so we will see how that goes. Bringing forth new things and being a trail blazing business woman is sometimes not the easiest thing in the world to do. But I am so compelled, i must do it. I know it is indeed my calling in life.
My mother is holding her own, and my own(smiles), the alzehimers is in charge so we just do whatever it says to do.
posted by sharonb @ 7:56 AM   |
thanks for visiting my site. your comments are always welcomed.
I noticed you're in Georgia, my husband works with children with disabilities as well. (He used to be at Marcus in Atlanta.) Hope all goes well with the appeal.
Hi, and thanks for visiting my blog, it's always fun to meet new people.
hey thanks for stoppin by, I will visit when i can. yep Im in atlanta. sounds good, best wishes to you!
Hey there (just me), i like meeting new people too, stop by anytime.
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thanks for visiting my site. your comments are always welcomed.
I noticed you're in Georgia, my husband works with children with disabilities as well. (He used to be at Marcus in Atlanta.) Hope all goes well with the appeal.
At August 09, 2005 11:23 AM,
Just Me said…
Hi, and thanks for visiting my blog, it's always fun to meet new people.
At August 09, 2005 3:48 PM,
sharonb said…
hey thanks for stoppin by, I will visit when i can. yep Im in atlanta. sounds good, best wishes to you!
At August 09, 2005 3:49 PM,
sharonb said…
Hey there (just me), i like meeting new people too, stop by anytime.