Getting some fun done. |
Saturday, August 13, 2005 |
My son came by this morning as he was on his way to the music studio.. oh did I say he is a christian rap artist?. Not known as of yet, but he is up and coming forth. Has a CD out and such like. He is working on a new track today. And stopped by to holla at me on his way. You can hear some of his music here.
I am working on a few graphics this morning while i have a chance to play. Hope to get a few new dolls added to My graphic site
Mother is doing ok today, she is sleeping a lot, and I guess thats kinda good, she's not into things or tearing up anything as usual. lol. My yorkies are lookin sooo cute, but my camera broke and i cant share pictures of them right now rats!!! maybe later. anyhoo i am off to play with my artwork for a while. Holla!
posted by sharonb @ 1:45 PM   |
HI!! I am going to go listen to some of your sons stuff right now! How really cool! As for you mom. I am a CNA who is in school to become an RN, I worked in an Alzhiemers unit for years. I love Alzhiemers patients, but it sure is difficult to be the family around one. I respect that your taking care of her at your house. You must be a wonderfully caring person... Mom
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HI!! I am going to go listen to some of your sons stuff right now! How really cool! As for you mom. I am a CNA who is in school to become an RN, I worked in an Alzhiemers unit for years. I love Alzhiemers patients, but it sure is difficult to be the family around one. I respect that your taking care of her at your house. You must be a wonderfully caring person...