no more negativity |
Thursday, October 13, 2005 |
ok, I got my negative feelings off my chest where my sibs and my mother situation is concerned, now I thought i had already let all that stuff go, but funny have a special event in life can trigger a memory and the hurt comes back and you find that the wound you thought was closed seems to still be open.
So today i am putting a new bandaid on that wound and allowing it to heal again. I hate negative emotions and i refuse to let them rule or control my life in anyway, so today I start fresh with this sibs and mother thing again, and I let go of all the hurt, i forgive them for what i feel they didnt do, or can't do and i thank God i am able to do what needs to be done.
I release all the emotions that flooded me with pain, and i resolve to do the best that i can to make my mother as comfortable as i can for the rest of her days. I realize that my sibs may never understand or help out and they have their reasons and I respect those reasons whatever they may be, and i still love them and i will still welcome them with open arms and do my best to put all this pain behind me.
Today I renounce my negative emotions and my hurt feelings, i forgive them, I release them and let them go to their highest good so that i too can get to my own. I renounce my negative thinking and my selfishness and blame. I refuse to be a prisoner to anger anymore. I will make the best of this situation and live my life to the fullest as best that I can. I will take my lemons and make lemonade. STARTING,. TODAY.
posted by sharonb @ 9:33 AM   |
and thats that!