Happy Thanksgiving |
Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
We wish you peace and blessings and happiness and a very happy thanksgiving, hugs and smooches:)
posted by sharonb @ 10:19 AM   |
Workin on design |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
I think i am going to work on a new design today. I still haven't quite decided how i am going to display them yet, I think i want to make a copy and paste code that people can easily access and use but i will work out those details as time goes on. I haven't decided which location i am going to use for the design blog yet either. But after i get a few made i will decide that. anyhoo I am off to run some errands and such. Then on to creating.
posted by sharonb @ 7:14 AM   |
Most important things in my life |
Friday, November 16, 2007 |
Ok I need to get some balance going so i am making a short list of the most important things in my life. My goal is to begin focusing all my time aND ENERGY IN THAT DIRECTION THEREBY GIVING MYSELF SOME GROUNDING AND FOCUS. I need a really short list as not to get to overwhelmed, then i need to break that short list down into small peices that i can focus on. so this is the short list I will beging with... God&Family A.start spending more time with both 1. Get back to church more, attend more weekly services when possible 2. Get back to date nights with Mr. Big and family nights with chris More sister days too.
computer work I have in the past become too involved with online relationships and situations. I now realize that I need to stay on the lite side of every online situation and such. I have found that online situations will sometimes tend to suck a person into areas of drama and create unwanted and unneed challenges.
I think my life is full enough with real life challenges, I don't want or need any added challenges, especially in places I use for playgrounds and having fun. I want to play and be lite when I come online so I need to stear clear of complex situations and such.
I needed to regain some focus of why I started using the computer and the www in the first place. It was in the beginning a source of relaxation for me, and there are times when it still is.
But I have found that the www can also be a complicated place with serious issues and challenges even more overwhelming sometimes then real life. I have allowed myself to get caught up in unpleasant and unhappy situations that held me prisioner with pain. So now I need to step back from those kinds of situations and keep my online time as playful and peaceful as possible.
So in order to do that I need to begin to focus more on the things that make me happy when I come online. The things that relax me the most about being online, the things that bring me the most joy when I am online. And that of course would be creating something wonderful or beautiful or writing something interesting.
A.Focus more on making designs and writing books than anything else. 1. create a place to store designs for blogspot. and share them for personal and public use. 2. focus on creating in one style at a time. 3. explore all options of design then create accordingly B.Also when time permits focus on artwork and creating cartoon dolls and such. 1. update my cafepress at some point and add new items
posted by sharonb @ 9:25 AM   |
The Lord is My Strength |
Thursday, November 15, 2007 |
“We must interpret circumstances by God and not God by the circumstances,” wrote G. Campbell Morgan. “The peril of the hour is that men and women of faith may be trying to account for God by the circumstances of affliction.”
We see God in His activity. He has demonstrated His holiness, justice, and love at the cross. There is no reason why we should ever question His love because of the great manifestation of that love at Calvary. He sent His Son to die for us while we were yet sinners (Rom. 8:32). God does not change in His eternal attributes.
We are tempted in an hour of extreme difficulty to judge God by what we are experiencing. The reality of God’s eternal presence compels us to examine again the dark hour we experience from the standpoint of the eternal God (James 1:17; Mal. 3:6).
In his impressive dialogue with God, the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk asked hard questions that trouble the minds of men. What Habakkuk was questioning was much like what we see and experience in our day. Why do we have to witness the violence, iniquity, wickedness, destruction, and perverted justice, etc.?
The LORD God told Habakkuk, “I am doing something in your days – you would not believe it if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5). God was using the circumstances to accomplish His eternal purposes. “I am raising up the Chaldeans” (v. 6).
When the Lord treads the winepress He forces us to live out what we are in the inner person. He forces us to reveal what we are on the inside. He will not allow us to say we are one thing and be something else in life.
Habakkuk learned from the terrible invasion of the Chaldeans to put his trust in the eternal God who sees the end from the beginning of all calamities. “Yet I will exalt in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation” (3:18). That is seeing God above the circumstances.
When we see the circumstances through God’s eyes, we are transformed. “The LORD God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hind’s feet, and makes me walk on my high places” (v. 19).
Habakkuk was hiding in God’s power. The God of Jacob was his refuge. “His ways are everlasting” (3:6). The eternal principles have not changed.
May God give us discernment to see His hand in cruel circumstances. When we are overwhelmed by the present evil age, we are inclined to ask, “Why are You silent when the wicked swallowed up those more righteous than they?” (v. 13).
Do you have some cruel, wicked, violent Chaldeans invading your fortress today? The LORD God told the fretting prophet, “The righteous will live by faith” (2:4). That is the only way you can live in those circumstances.
But the critical question is in whom or what is the focus of your faith? “The LORD God is my strength” (3:19).
When we see the LORD God is the One in control of the circumstances we want to shout out with Isaiah: “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. Therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation. And in that day you will say, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; Make them remember that His name is exalted.’ Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things; Let this be known throughout the earth” (Isaiah 12:2-5, NASB 1995).
Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006
posted by sharonb @ 8:23 AM   |
Revived after amost 2 yrs |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |
Well I have revived this blog after almost 2 years of neglect. I am in some sort of online transition right now and it is something i really don't understand, nor can i explain it. But for the moment i felt like i wanted to use this one again so here I am.
I was reading over some of my old post in here and most of them were about mother. They make me sad now that she has passed away. It is going on 9 months now. And yet a part of me is happy and relieved. I am happy that she is not suffering anymore, she is finally at rest and at peace. I am relieved that i was able to accomplish the task of taking care of her without putting her in a nursing home. Yet i have a daily sadness also. I miss her a lot. But over all God is still in control. Hope i have more time to write here too.
posted by sharonb @ 11:34 AM   |